A Guide to Asbestos Removal - 2023 Edition

There is much confusion around the topic of Asbestos Removal therefore Bristol Asbestos Removal Ltd. have created a guide to answer your questions on the topic of asbestos removal. The first thing that comes to mind about asbestos is how dangerous is it? On average around 5,000 people a year die from asbestos related illnesses in the UK. This can be quite daunting as large number of UK homes, offices, hospital, schools and warehouses still contain asbestos to some degree. Asbestos fibres when inhaled latch themselves onto the respiratory system and as it is a mineral our bodies simply cant break them down. Over a period of time this causes damage to the respiratory system and can cause a variety if illnesses such as COPD, mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer among other serious life threatening conditions.

Another common query is how do you get rid of asbestos? The only way to 'get rid of' or to dispose of asbestos is by having a qualified and competent person safely remove the asbestos and then dispose of it via a licenced waste transfer station. This is the only safe method of disposal when it comes to asbestos. You should never try to remove asbestos yourself with the relevant training and ppe. Although this can sometime seem costly it is imperative for yours and your families health.

So this bring us to the next question how much is asbestos removal? The major factor when it comes to the cost for removal of asbestos is determining the quantity of asbestos to be removed and the type of asbestos. Different ACM's (asbestos containing materials) contain different percentages and different types of asbestos and have different levels of friability. This splits them up into two categories; licenced and non-licenced. The more friable (easily broken) ACM's need to be removed under licenced regulations which is more costly as it takes more materials and equipment to carry out and in order to carry out this type of work you need to be given a licence by the hse which is the governing body for all health and safety laws in the UK. Less friable materials i.e. asbestos cement sheets are less friable and can be removed safely by a trained competent contractor without an asbestos licence.

Whether you need asbestos removal in Bristol, Bath, Gloucester, Swindon, Newport, Cardiff, Swansea, Bridgend or Port Talbot contact us on 0117 463 4190.

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0117 463 4190

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